

Brrrr is winter over yet? These are a combo of a couple of new point and shoot cameras. I have one that I was harboring, a cannon sure shot, and a Minolta. Also tried a new lab, 88 images in Chinatown. I like it a little better than the one I have been going to, but it is not as fast as the one in Brooklyn. Consider a few of these a study on crossing the street with slushy puddles. Few days off and a 5 pack of Portra coming up.


slump, need more speed.

Tried a third backup camera, still having blurry pictures. It's me everybody!! My new plan is to get an SLR so I can go back to having more control. I think my love affair with point and shoot is over. I feel like I am in a slump, but hopefully spring comes soon. I took these today.
